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Welcome To My-Universe, We're working on a much better site, sorry for the lack of updates!
This site is all about Savage Garden, Rurouni Kenshin, Dragonball Z and Dracula. Hope you'll like this site and have fun! -updated a lot!-
April 8 2002 Updated
November 29-updated SG info November 15 or something-updated pic home October 19 2001-updated the links (DBZ) October 14 2001-updated the news -DarrenHayesnews- October 12 2001-updated the DBZ info. -Check out the FOrum at the E-Cards page! October 11 2001-updated the news-Kenshin- and the Watch the Birdie page.
Rurouni Kenshin
Kenshin, Sanosuke, Yahiko, Kaoru, Megumi, Saito Kenshin!!! |
Info Site
There's a new page on My-Universe. It's called E-cards, but that's only a fraction of what can be found there!!! I built this site for every one who likes Savage Garden, RuroKen, Dragonball Z and Dracula. I'll be updating this site almost daily so please come visiting me again. If you have any questions or suggestions or if you're bored, you can always e-mail me
Laura sglinalaura@hotmail.com Please sign my guestbook! e-mail us at po_en_lala@hotmail.com
Something Darren said on the DH BBS
In this time of incredible tragedy and loss I wish to express my obvious sympathy and heartfelt concern for all those affected by the terrorist attacks in the U.S.
I was in New York City this past weekend and left on Sunday to arrive home in San Fran. I left behind me many friends and co-workers who are still (like thousands of others) anxiously awaiting news of loved ones. Please join together in prayer and in love.... use the gift of life and your spirit to send positivity, hope and love to those in need. In such difficult times remember how wonderfully and beautifully the human spirit stands strong and supports those in need. Random acts of kindness are in great
demand and I urge you to use every second of
your day to make the world a safe, and loving
place to be.
We will never forget the courage of firefighters,
police and the average persons on the street.
We will never forget the empathy and the
kindness expressed by people here on this
I love you.
Tell someone you love them.
Be strong.
Love always

The new Darren Hayes
message board, e-cards, daily cartoon, news about MP3, Japan, Australia, Chat And More |